Man Made Oceanic Hazards


If we want to continue to enjoy our earth we need to treat it right

Human degradation and environmental impacts on our planet is the most primary thing we as humans

need to pay attention to if we do not want to completely ruin our planet and all its natural

resources. There are many different ways that we could help our ocean out by using clean, renewable energy, instead of fuel based, recycle more and many other little things

as well would help the ocean become less hazardous due to human impact. Some big human and environmental activities that have affected the ocean greatly would

be the impact from Fukushima, oil spills, trawling, and probably the biggest concern of all would be dumping trash into the ocean creating garbage patches on the surface of the water. 

Many people know that they should recycle and do what they can to help save our ocean, and the planet; however they dismiss many easy things they could do on a daily basis

because people believe that their life is too busy to incorporate extra activities into their day.

Also a lot of energy and resources that we use to make energy require oil, which is a big staple in our society today, even though it is less hazardous  and less wasteful of n

atural resources to use clean renewable energy sources.Image

                There are many things that are happening to the ocean, but they are mostly stemming from human impact and how we treat it. Human and environmental degradation to our oceanic system is what we need to focus on fixing now.  There are many hazards that have been placed in the ocean disrupting its natural system.  Some of the topics I covered are just a few that we humans have brought upon ourselves.